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Ask the design expert

It’s no secret that most homeowners find redesigning and organizing their space a never-ending task. Most of us aren’t aware of the simple things that can save us hours of frustration, thus freeing us from a hodgepodge organized space.

Instead of spending hours in a department store looking for answers, get inside tips from Closet Factory’s Kay Wade, V.P. Design & Head Designer.

On the Closet Factory’s Facebook page, we have a section called “Ask K,” where you can get your questions answered directly by “K” herself. Everything from how to tips, preferences on accessory usage, questions from a Closet Factory design expert, and more!

Click here to get started!

Schedule a free design consultation with a designer.

Each of our custom systems is completely personalized and begins with a complimentary design appointment.

Schedule a Consult
What should I expect?

During the consultation you and a designer will discuss goals, desires, and project budget, with the aim of designing an organization system that will:

  • Turn your dream into reality
  • Organize you efficiently
  • Create space for everything
  • Maximize the space
  • Create optimum visibility
  • Preserve personal items
  • Add value to the home
  • Harmonize with your décor