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5 Craft Room Essentials for Any Project

The joy of crafting can start from something as simple as cutting out a circle or gluing a picture onto a piece of construction paper. Crafting can be building models, scrapbooking, knitting scarves for loved ones, and more.

One thing is certain, however: crafting often (almost always) requires tools.

For you crafters who are passionate about what you do, or those who are looking to get your feet wet in the wonderful world of crafting, we’ve provided a list of five craft essentials for your craft room. These items by themselves don’t necessarily scream “craft” but are must-haves and add those extra touches that will make your project special.

Your 5 Craft Room Essentials:

A Precision Cutting Knife

The look of a project you’ve been working on really comes down to the details, and you can get that detail with a precision cutting knife. Used primarily for cutting lightweight materials, this knife will help you get that piece of your project looking exactly the way you need it to, cleanly.

Card Stock

You might wonder what on Earth you would need card stock for. Card stock is actually very robust in its uses in that it can be used to create a base for paper crafts, trace and cut out patterns, or decoupage. Best of all, card stock comes in a multitude of varying sizes and weights, so choose the kind that fit your needs.

Tape Runner

A tape runner is helpful for making ribbons stay in place without showing where the glue goes or creating a strip of glitter without any mess. They come in tons of styles such as ones that create dots and in different adhesive strengths. If your crafts require a lot of taping or gluing, it’d seem almost foolish not to have one of these.


These special lamps give off a light that is natural, low heat, and low glare, which helps you see colors in their truest form. It doesn’t get hot after long periods of use and comes in a variety of different styles. It’s the best craft light, period.


A multi-color Sharpie pack goes a long way in creating the perfect craft projects. From writing in scrapbooks, adding detail to letters, and more, they are something every craft lover should have in his or her arsenal. I can’t stress enough that they come in all sorts of colors and allow you to explore the full rainbow of your imagination.

Do you have a suggestion for other craft room essentials? Let us know in the comments section below!

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