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The 6-Step Challenge to Organize Your Closet – Part 3

closet organizers


Congrats! You’re on the home stretch in our Six-Step Challenge to an organized closet. After the first two challenges we discussed assessing the space in your closet organizer, and then deciding on a permanent storage solution. But, the final steps are all about putting everything back in your closet in an organized fashion – and keeping it that way.


Step 5 – Organize Your Wardrobe

Hopefully you’ve decided that a custom closet system is the best answer for you; specifically when it comes to keeping your closet clean and organized. Now that your custom unit has been installed, you don’t want to put everything back without an organized plan. Even if you opted for another type of storage system, you still need to put everything back in an organized way.

Many organization experts advise the best way to store your wardrobe is to group like items together, but the best way is really what works best for you. If you don’t know, then start by grouping similar items together and see if this works for you – in terms of finding what you need easily and quickly. If possible, use one type of hanger and make sure you hang your clothes properly. Store your shoes in pairs, place folded clothing in stacks and make sure that special items like evening wear are stored correctly in your closet organizer.

closet organizers

Step 6 – Maintain Your Beautiful and Organized Closet

Your new custom closet system is the answer to how you will keep your clothing organized, but like many things, it must be maintained and cared for. You don’t want to lapse back into old habits of putting things where they don’t belong or not utilizing your closet storage for what it was meant for.

If you place everything back where it belongs to begin with, you don’t have to reorganize or clean up later on. Get in the habit of putting your jewelry back into your jewelry drawers or hanging your belts on the belt rack, instead of throwing everything down on the nearest surface. However, we are only human and even a closet storage system needs some refreshing from time to time. If possible, on a monthly basis, make sure your closet is organized and free of clutter. This kind of mindful upkeep will ensure that your custom closet stays as beautiful as it was on the first day you ever used it.



Schedule a free design consultation with a designer.

Each of our custom organization systems is completely personalized and begins with a complimentary design appointment.

Schedule a Consult
What should I expect?

During the consultation you and a designer will discuss your wish list, desires, and project budget, with the aim of designing an organization system that will:

  • Turn your dream into reality
  • Organize you efficiently
  • Create space for everything
  • Maximize the space
  • Create optimum visibility
  • Display your personal items
  • Add value to the home
  • Harmonize with the décor