If you’ve done the first five items on my list, your closet no doubt feels a bit bigger and lighter to you. Some people panic when they see empty space. ‘What do I put here?’ they ask me. “Nothing!’ I reply. See the closet as light and enjoy it. Over time new items will come and the space will be fill in organically. And don’t be surprised if you miss that space! But for now let’s continue our quest to jumpstart the organizing process in this first month of the New Year.
I like evening shoes stored in clear acrylic drawers on a shelf; exercise shoes in an over the door canvas holder along with your thongs and your every day shoes on a shoe rack with stacking shelves. Bedroom slippers can be tucked underneath this unit. After you sort your shoes do a count. The number will dictate the best solution for you keeping in mind the reality of the literal closet space. If your collection is vast do one type a day and enjoy this process as much as you do owning and wearing all those shoes. Be sure and check for wear and tear. Run down heels can make Louboutins look shoddy!
There’s a hidden bonus in all this work. Once you have a lean, cleaned out and organized closet, you’re in the best position possible to work with a closet designer from The Closet Factory. You don’t want her to design a closet system that takes into consideration all those items you don’t really need or want, right? These simple steps get you ready to create something special. With a little organization you can dress to suit your mood, the demands of the day or your whim. Everything is more fun when order forms the foundation.
Regina Leeds
‘The Zen Organizer’
Find me at Facebook and Twitter
Professional organizer since 1988
Author of 8 books including New York Times best seller “One Year to an Organized Life.”
Named ‘Best Organizer in L.A.’ by Los Angeles Magazine
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