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Four Clever Ideas to Help You Get Better Organized

One great way to help you get organized is to use containers to help organize your personal clothing items.

Since January was National Get Organized Month, we thought it would be a great idea to help people get organized. Closet Factory has spent nearly 35 years helping people get better organized and adding beauty into their daily lives, and so we are big believers in any effort that helps people find better balance and efficiency throughout each day.

Interestingly, the National Get Organized month started in 2005 by the nation’s Association of Professional Coordinators. The whole point of the day was to raise awareness of organization, and to highlight how much time people lose every single day simply because they spend so much time hunting around for lost or misplaced items. Actually, it is estimated that the majority of people in the United States need to get organized, losing a minimum of one hour each day looking for lost shoes, misplaced keys, or a buried sweater. Think about that. That’s 365 hours a year, which translates to 15 days each year that is lost to disorganization. That’s the equivalent of a two week-vacation.

[pullquote]It is estimated that the majority of people in the United States lose a minimum of one hour each day looking for a lost shoe, misplaced keys, or buried keys. Think about that. That’s 365 hours a year, or 15 days each year lost to disorganization.[/pullquote]That’s why we are presenting four really clever ideas to help you get organized and improve your organizational pattern for 2018.

Try Shoeboxes for Organizing Garments-Because of their standard size and relatively sturdy construction, shoeboxes make great little organizers. You can fold your shirts, roll your socks, or keep your undergarments stacked inside these little gems. Plus, shoe boxes are easy to find and very stackable.

Keep Your Boots Organized with Pool Noodles-Because pool noodles are constructed from stiff, durable Styrofoam that’s also hollow, these aquatic swimming aids also make amazing boot supports. Simply cut the noodles to fit inside of your boots, and within a matter of seconds you will be staring at an organized boot collection that even a Pentagon general would be proud to own. In addition to keeping your boots upright and organized, pool noodles also allow for air circulation, improving the “breathability” of your boots.

Organize Your Clothes for the Week Ahead-Now this may not sound very clever, but it is an amazingly effective way to save time and make your day more efficient. Some professional organizers actually encourage their clients to add dividers in their closets that identify a wardrobe selection for each day of the week. Try it for a week or two and see if it will fit into your lifestyle.

PVC Pipe Works Great for Drawer Organizers-That’s right, a simple length of PVC pipe can be an amazingly good organization tool for any dresser. Simply buy a length of pipe about 4 – 6 inches in diameter, measure the height of your drawers, and cut a few lengths of pipe to place in your dresser drawer. Surprisingly, these hardware store stables make a great place for rolled up stockings, socks, or scarves.